Monday, March 29, 2010


Over this semester, I have learned a lot. I learned that teaching students in a fun way is much more exciting for the class. It helps the students learn and allows them to find fun in math, with a lot of people need to do. Using manipulative's, games and different ideas from the class and Mrs. Andersen has been very educational. I believe that we need to use different strategies for students to learn math with out being board. And being in this class I have learned many different way, as a teacher, you can do this.

One thing I decided to do was research different manipulative's online. I found a site you can virtually use manipulative's. This is a great way to show your students if you have a projector. You can move different blocks, or anything you need on this program. I encourage anyone to look and see what this virtual manipulative's site is like!


  1. I agree. I think it is a much better approach to math by trying to actually get the kids excited about learning it. I know that I had a hard time going to math class in school because it always came across as difficult and boring to me.

  2. I think that manipulatives are a very good way to help make math fun.

  3. I love my manipulative kit! I will be keeping it for future reference, and I will definetly be investing in some type of manipulative when I have a classroom.
